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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

NiNeTY SoMeTHiNG Webseries!

Sugar T. Russell contemplates
Old Hollywood under Joan's watchful eye
Well it has been a while and I know you all have been wondering...where on EARTH has the ZYZXX podcast gone? Well I, Jen Hitchcock have missed doing it. There has been a lot of great music I have discovered for myself that has been lighting up my life. And I hate not sharing it with my dedicated podcast listeners, so I promise that I will do another one soon.

But I do have something fun to share with you. What has been occupying a good chunk of my time has been writing scripts for a comedy webseries called Ninety Something. It is based on my good friend Sara's character Sugar T. Russell who is a ninety-something year old woman and sees the world through the lens of Old Hollywood. I am blown away by the incredible talent involved from all the actors to our director/producer Kristy McInnis. It has been a blast to do and a completely different, new and rewarding creative outlet for me!!

Here is a sneak preview for you all to watch. If you like it, please subscribe to our youtube channel where we will be posting preview clips right up until the Fall 2012 release of our wacky-ass little series.

Sugar's STD's (A Preview)

You can find Sugar on Facebook here, where she is always dropping great insights and words of wisdom:
Sugar's Facebook Page

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